NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture

Presentation on theme: "NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture"— Presentation transcript:

1 NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture
Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Sept. 2011

2 Reference Architecture
A template description of the architecture, probably defined at different levels of abstraction Highly abstract showing different functionalities Lower level showing methods performing specific task Vendor-neutral description that does not stifle innovation by definition a specific technical solution A conceptual model for discussing the technical requirements and operations of cloud computing A blueprint to guide developers in the design of (cloud) services and applications Blueprint: compositions of interconnected services implementing reusable logic for building applications), list of functions and their interfaces (APIs), descriptions of their interactions 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

3 NIST Reference Architecture
Service Deployment A cloud infrastructure may be operated as public, private, community of hybrid cloud Public: same infrastructure used by many users over the public network Private: exclusive access to specific end-user, hosted on user’s premises (on-site installations) or by hosting company Community: access to groups of users with similar concerns Hybrid: combined offering (e.g., private/public) The differences are based on how exclusive the computing resources are made to a Cloud Consumer 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

4 Parts of The discussion
Actors and roles: core individuals or users with key responsibilities in system function Architectural components for managing and providing cloud services for Deployment Orchestration Management Security Privacy 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

5 NIST Reference Architecture
Actors and Roles Individuals or organizations with key roles Consumer: acquires and uses services Provider: the purveyor of services Broker: intermediate between consumer – provider, they hide complexity of services or create new services Auditor: independent performance, security monitoring and assessment of cloud services Carrier: provides connectivity and transport of data and services between providers and consumers 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

6 Conceptual Reference Model
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7 NIST Reference Architecture
Cloud Consumer Browses the service catalogue of the provider Requests services depending on activities, usage scenarios Sets up service contracts with the provides May be billed for the service SaaS consumers may be billed based on number of users, time of use, net bandwidth, storage volume IaaS, PaaS consumers may be billed according to processing, storage, network resources, number of VMs, http calls, number of IPs used, net bandwidth, storage volume Consumers need SLAs to specify their performance requirements to be fulfilled by the provider (however SLAs are offered by cloud producers and in most cases aren't negotiable) 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

8 Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Contracts that are negotiated and agreed between provider and customers so to locate/reserve resources to satisfy consumers’ requirements with efficiency and optimally resource and service usage To guarantee an agreed SLA, the auditor must be capable of measuring and monitoring relevant metrics (e.g., service availability, network metrics, storage metrics) Different SLA models must be considered for IaaS, PaaS and SaaS as each model sets different requirements SLAs can be defined clearly for IaaS; for PaaS and SaaS SLAs are still vague and difficult to be defined as these refer to higher levels of functionality but, can be agreed between providers / customers based on application requirements (business case) and business level plan 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

9 NIST Reference Architecture
SLAs for IaaS 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

10 Examples of Cloud Services
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11 NIST Reference Architecture
Cloud Provider Acquires and manages the computing infrastructure Runs the cloud software, makes services available to interested parties Makes arrangements / contracts with consumers May also list SLAs i.e. Promises to consumers or limitations and obligations that consumers must accept Provider’s pricing policy and SLAs are not negotiable in most cases 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

12 Responsibilities of Cloud Provider
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13 Scope of Control (Provider)
Application layer: end-user apps and services used by SaaS consumers, installed/managed by PaaS consumers and SaaS providers Middleware layer (VM layer): provides building blocks for app development (libraries, dbms, Java VMs), used by PaaS consumers, installed/maintained/managed by PaaS providers, hidden from SaaS consumers OS layer: operating system VMs and drivers, hidden from SaaS /PaaS consumers, controlled by IaaS providers, used by IaaS consumers. An IaaS provider may allow multipe OS’s as VMs 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

14 NIST Reference Architecture
Scope of Control SaaS: Consumers have only limited administrative control of the applications and services PaaS: The provider manages infrastructure and provides tools of deployment of applications; the consumer has control over the application but limited / no access to the infrastructure (e.g. OS, servers, storage, drivers) IaaS: The provider acquires physical resources (servers, network, storage) and runs the software to make these available to IaaS, PaaS consumers through VMs; consumers have control over virtual software components (OS, network) 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

15 NIST Reference Architecture
Scope of Control Provider and consumer share the control of resources in a cloud 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

16 NIST Reference Architecture
Cloud Auditor Performs independent examination of cloud service controls and express opinion / issues evaluation Ideally, have a contractual clause enabling 3rd parties to assess cloud operations To determine the extend to which cloud operations are implemented/executed as planned and agreed Auditors objective is to verify conformance to standards (e.g. OCCI) or to security, privacy controls, performance, conformance to SLAs etc. Issue security, privacy, performance audits 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

17 NIST Reference Architecture
Cloud Broker Integration of cloud services by consumers can be too complex and can be requested from a cloud broker rather than from a provider directly An entity/service operated by the provider or third party Provides services in three forms Intermediation: presents the service to consumers (e.g. In catalogue), provides/enhances/improves a given service (e.g. by adding identity management, performance reporting, enhanced security) Aggregation: combines and integrates multiple services into one Arbitrage: the services being aggregated may change or come from different providers 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

18 Example Usage Scenario for Broker
A consumer requests a service from a broker instead of contacting the provider directly The broker creates a new service by combining multiple services 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

19 Interactions between Actors
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20 NIST Reference Architecture
Cloud Carrier Acts as an intermediary that provides connectivity and transport of cloud services between cloud consumers and cloud providers Provides access to consumers through a public/private network or telecom provider A provider may set-up SLAs with cloud carriers in order to provide services with the level of SLAs offered to consumers (e.g. may require dedicated or secure connections) 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

21 Architectural Components
Architectural Components for managing and providing cloud services, describe the important aspects of Service deployment, orchestration, management, security and privacy Portability and interoperability issues for data and services are also crucial factors as consumers need confidence and moving data and services across clouds Security and privacy build trust and acceptance in clouds ability to provide a trustworthy and reliable system Business support: implementation of specific business model 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

22 Conceptual Reference Model
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23 Service Orchestration
Composition of service components to support cloud providers activities (in coordination with management of resources) in order to provide cloud services Service Layer: interfaces for accessing services (typically for IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) Resource Abstraction / Control Layer: interfaces for accessing virtualized resources e.g. hypervisors, VMs, virtual storage Physical Resource Layer: interfaces for accessing to physical resources (computers, disks, routers, firewalls, etc.) 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

24 NIST Reference Architecture
Service Management Includes all of service-related functions that are necessary for the management and operation of services available to consumers Can be described from different perspectives Business support Provisioning and configuration Portability and interoperability 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

25 Cloud Service Management
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26 Management: Business Support
Business related services Customer management: manage customer accounts, open/close accounts, manage user profiles, manage provider-customer relationships Contract management: setup/negotiate/terminated contract and SLAs Pricing/Rating: evaluate cloud services, handle promotions and pricing rules by user profile Accounting and Billing: collect billing information, send billing statements, manage payments Reporting/auditing: monitor user operations, generate reports 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

27 Management: Provisioning/Configuration
Responsibilities included Rapid provisioning: automatically deploy cloud services based on user demands Resource changing: adjust service configurations or, resource assignment for repairs/upgrades Metering: Provide metering capability per service type SLA management: define SLAs, monitor SLAs, enforce SLAs 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

28 Management: Portability/Interoperability
Cloud adoption depends also how the cloud can address security, privacy, portability and interoperability concerns Portability: ability to move applications and data across clouds and cloud providers Data portability: copy/move objects across clouds System portability: move / migrate a stopped VMs or applications with their contents Service Interoperability: use data and services across multiple cloud providers using common interface (RESTful APIs) Different requirements for different service models: IaaS, SaaS focus on data portability, IaaS, PaaS on compatibilities between different virtualization technologies, PaaS focus also on service interoperability 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

29 NIST Reference Architecture
Privacy Ensure privacy of collected personal identifiable information that can be used to distinguish, trace user’s identity based on user habits (e.g. Buying patterns) personal data: user id’s, financial, health data, usage data Also related to data security as application data encompass user related information Mainly a responsibility of cloud providers 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

30 NIST Reference Architecture
Security Cloud systems need to address security requirements such as authentication, authorization, confidentiality, identity management, security monitoring, security policy management, incident response Responsibility shared between provider and consumer Consider impacts per service model: SaaS: manage accessibility of cloud offerings using network connection and through Web browser (Web browser security is an issue) IaaS: hypervisor security for VM isolation PaaS: user authorization to use services Impacts per deployment model: private cloud is dedicated to one customer, public is not 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture

31 OpenFog Architecture Overview
OpenFog Consortium Architecture Working Group Feb 2016

32 NIST Reference Architecture
References NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture: Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology OpenFog Architecture Overview, OpenFog Consortium Architecture Working Group, Practical Guide to SLAs , v2, 4/13/2019 NIST Reference Architecture