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i The Sublime Revelation [Al-Fath ar-Rabba– n–i] . A COLLECTION OF SIXTY-TWO DISCOURSES i SublimeSec1 1 2/28/09, 11:17 AM ii ii SublimeSec1 2 2/28/09, 11:17 AM iii The Sublime Revelation [Al-Fath ar-Rabba– n–i] . A COLLECTION OF SIXTY-TWO DISCOURSES – – – – ‹ SHAIKH ABD AL-QADIR AL-JILANI TRANSLATED FROM THE ARABIC BY MUHTAR HOLLAND AL-BAZ PUBLISHING, INC. iii FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA SublimeSec1 3 2/28/09, 11:17 AM iv Rabbanå: “Our Lord!” Qur›ån (2:286) Cover calligraphy: Rohana Filippi Using watercolor and wax to combine the beauty of Arabic script with the Qur’ånic message on paper, Italian artist Rohana Filippi has developed her own artistic style through personal research and inner inspiration. Her art is entirely devoted to “expressing Allåh’s presence everywhere.” Ms. Filippi, who currently resides in New York, has lived and worked in England, Mexico, Colombia and the United States. Cover Design: Dryden Design, Houston, Texas Body text set in Ghazali and Jilani fonts by Al-Baz Publishing, Inc. Printed on acid-free paper ©1992 by Al-Baz Publishing, Inc. Houston, Texas All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form of by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 92-73635 First Edition November 1992 Second Edition October 1998 Third Edition March 2009 ISBN: 1-882216-02-4 Published by Al-Baz Publishing, Inc. 8771 148th Ave. NE, Building C WA 98052, U.S.A. (425) 891-5444 E-mail: [email protected] Printed and bound in the United States of America by Sheridan Books, Inc. iv SublimeSec1 4 2/28/09, 11:17 AM v Contents Publisher’s Preface ix Acknowledgments xi Translator’s Introduction xiii Genealogy of Shaikh Mu¥yi’d-dºn [‹Abd al-Qådir] 5 Author’s Prologue 7 The Sixty-two Discourses 9–463 Concerning the Author, Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº 465 About the Translator 471 v SublimeSec1 5 2/28/09, 11:17 AM vi vi SublimeSec1 6 2/28/09, 11:17 AM vii Dedication This edition of Al-Fat¥ ar-Rabbånº is dedicated to the Holy Prophet Mu¥ammad (may Allåh bless him and give him peace), the Saints of Allåh [the awliyå›], the Righteous [ƒåli¥ºn] and the Believers [mu›minºn], may the good pleasure and mercy of Allåh be upon them all. vii SublimeSec1 7 2/28/09, 11:17 AM viii viii SublimeSec1 8 2/28/09, 11:17 AM ix Publisher’s Preface The words of Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº can undoubtedly be considered among the most precious treasures of Islåm. Indeed, Al-Baz Publishing was founded with the intention of providing fine English translations of his works for the benefit of English-speaking Muslims everywhere, in the spirit of wishing to share the benefit and blessing we have received ourselves at his hand. I first became interested in Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir (may Allåh be well pleased with him) in learning from my own spiritual guide and benefactor Bapak Muhammad Sumohadiwidjojo, founder of the Subud brotherhood (may Allåh be well pleased with him), that Allåh had bestowed on the Shaikh the same opening and contact that Bapak himself received from Allåh, and which he has passed on to us. Anyone familiar with the latihan kejiwaan of Subud will know that to be so honored, as Bapak was by Almighty God, is a rare occurrence in the history of mankind, for such grace is usually bestowed on very few of His creatures. My interest thus being aroused, I sought out the surviving manuscripts from their various repositories around the world, and began the task of having them translated. From the very first reading it was apparent to me that what Bapak had said about the Shaikh was true. O reader! This endeavor is for you! If you find benefit in the reading of these discourses, pray that Allåh bless the Shaikh, and pray for us too, that our offering may find acceptance in His sight! Ruslan Moore Al-Baz Publishing, Inc. November, 1992 ix SublimeSec1 9 2/28/09, 11:17 AM